Connecting interculturally

Connecting interculturally

The world is becoming a melting pot, whether we like it or not. It may be a very glamourous arena of expats occupying high-end jobs in multinational corporations or a dehumanising reality of the many refugees who escape war torn countries. In any case, we are mingling...
Flirts and social capital

Flirts and social capital

Last Thursday was supposed to be an ordinary day. I woke up, drank some cofee, had some fruit and sat at my desk. However, I felt overwhelmingly bored and I couldn’t focus. I tried various approaches… staying with the discomfort working slowly & patiently to...
Power and privilege

Power and privilege

Has the world always been divided into haves and have-nots? Communism was a failed attempt at reducing inequality.  We know from ‘Animal farm’ by George Orwell that some animals are in fact more equal than others. And yet, problems of equality and diversity awareness...
Autonomy and motivation

Autonomy and motivation

We all like autonomy. The feeling of freedom and being in control. The classroom is no different. Students are more engaged and have a greater sense of responsibility when given autonomy over their learning. They thrive when they are given opportunities to investigate...
A nudge of curiosity

A nudge of curiosity

I don’t think I am the only person in the world that finds it hard to change, to implement new projects, to venture into unchartered territories of creation and come back into a better version of myself. Some people say that I am quite driven and motivated… I must say...
Perspective is the key

Perspective is the key

We all know that our perspective changes our perception, however when we are in the midst of an annoying, difficult or sad conversation we tend to forget it. We start having tunnel vision tinted with our personal bias; our options seem to narrow down and our potential...