Coaching handbook

This is a coaching handbook to be used with students aged 12 and above. Most of the exercises come from evidence based practices, though they are not explicitly referenced. The handbook combines my teaching and coaching experience.

Life positions

Transactional Analysis offers a very smart way to understand relationships through Life Positions. Ideally, used in a group setting to encourage accountability.

Problem deconstruction

Systemic and family therapy offer an interesting approach to problem solving. This is a worksheet that widens your perspective when you feel stuck. It can be used individually or in a group setting.

Working with regret

We all face missed opportunities and regret at times. This is a long workshop exercise to be used by experienced practitioners in a group setting.

The heroes journey

The Hero’s Journey draws upon an idea developed by a mythologist, Joseph Campbell. Every story, be it a book or a film, follows a particular series of transformative stages with specific tasks that that the main character has to face. It turns out this is really helpful for understadning our struggles. The worksheet recommended for practitioners with some solid psychological training.


Making difficult decisions

We all face missed opportunities and regret at times. This is a long workshop exercise to be used by experienced practitioners in a group setting.

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